Thursday, 27 September 2007

Jom Pi Cari Makan...

Eversince Ramadahan started, both Tracy (my office manager whom we call tracy huang mei mei) would ronda ronda around the pasar ramadhans in our hood and buy all sorts of yum-yum foodies for buka puasa. (oh, tracy tak puasa, so it's dinner for her) We have been to Pasar Ramadhan at Sect. 14, Sect. 17 and most recently, Bangsar.

I must say Bangsar was very 'mengecewakan'...not much choices la...more kuihs than lauks! and so the very expensive!! I paid RM5 for a piece of ayam percik when i could have gotten it at half the price at Sect. 17! U must try the lemang at Section 14- EXCELLENT!! Just like how my opah would do - just the right consistency, cukup garam, PERFECT! And the nasi dagang!! Wah lau wei...can pengsan!!

The ikan bakar at Sect. 17 is just superb, fish is fresh, (whole selection of kembong,mabong, cencaru, pari and terubuk!!) The Satay is quite good - you can even have satay perut!! Kak Adik (Veera) and her friend has a stall that sells risolle and popiah..Risolle very good, popiah ..oklah,,,

I miss the pasar ramadhan in melawati...bigger and better selection of everything. There is this stall that sells the tau foo with chicken pie filling...EXCELLENT!! And the selection of ikan bakar, daging bakar, ayam bakar..endless. Org bakar aja tak ada!!! hahahahahaha..

I think kan, better to ronda2 at pasar ramadhan and buy them food than paying RM80/90 for a buffet spread that has the same kind of lauk,but with air conditioned ambience. Nak makan dalam air con, makan kat dalam bilik la kan??

What to eat today yaaaaa....tracy...we go now aaaa

Thursday, 20 September 2007

To be or not to be.......

when i was going googling through the images the other day, this one just struck me like 'ke-toing' on my head!! Masya-Allah - do i look like that to my husband???? I do see some resemblance like the side pose, the gebu-ness of them thighs...sigh...will i eventually look like our miss pose maut?

I m just so envious of people, whom even after four kids, can look so delicious like the 'whaz-zit-called' dessert at chillis. i, on the other hand, looked as though every single drop of water, air, blood had been sucked out of my body - i feel so 'lunyai' -like a plate of soggy salad dish at the Ampang Yong TauFoo outlet!!

For those who thinks that being confined after giving birth would cut the extra inches off your tummy, chest, body...think again...think really hard. Yes, you do lose some weight initially, with all the pantang and the bengkung and the 3 cups of water per day. Come the 44th day, when you have gained your freedom from the pantang, the first thing you would do is grab one glass of cold, icy, sweet cendul with loads of jagung or even a cold can of coke. Then comes the special delivery meals - McD, KFC, PizzaHut. Not forgetting all the nasi lemak, nasi dagang, roti canai banjir, roti telur bawang, and lontong. By the 60th day, you are back to what you were before you got pregnant. such a vicious cycle..

Probably should start saving and join one of the slimming centres...hey, if joanne kam poh poh can do it...i am not going to sit and pose maut like the model forever!!

Monday, 17 September 2007

The First Time

Kak Hanizah had opened up my eyes today on blogging. She is right; rather than keeping all my feelings bottled inside, why dont i just blog it! Funny though, i keep telling myself to write correctly- but who cares is all about i can write whatever i want, however i want..kan?

I have got so many things to write..about my feelings, about being a mother,
about my new love, about life. The problem is, am i able to open up my heart..

Stories from within, voices from my heart, cries from my soul, laughter to the core..